Sunday, November 14, 2010

A {Home} is Made of Love & Dreams

This entry is dedicated to my wonderful sister-in-law, Hiba, and her husband, Abdelrahman. We miss you so much... all the time...

Here is a little something that I embroidered (and framed) to thank you for your great hospitality and the amazing time we had spent together during our stay in Florida.

Hope you like it!


  1. Meticulous piece of art... we are so lucky you thought we deserved it. Thank you for the thought, for the time you put into it (esp that i know how picky you can be!), and for the beautiful colours. Thank you so much. Abdelrahman loved it too. This is a precious piece that we'll be hanging so proudly; it's a beautiful addition to our little home. Thank you. I love you kteer!

  2. Habboushi sweetie, we miss you so much! Send our regards to Abdelrahman and we can't wait to see you both very VERY soon!! Love you loads xx


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