Sunday, July 25, 2010

Generations Overlap

I just returned from my one week vacation in Amman (Jordan) with the family.

A very important reason for my Amman trip, was so that my daughter, Salma, met her great great Grandmother Fawzeyya [yes that was 2 greats]!

You see... my great grandmother (Fawzeyya - 15 April 1927), my grandmother (Flovar - 20 May, 1948), my mother (Ghada - 13 April, 1965), me (Noor - 03 April, 1985), and my daughter (Salma - 14 June, 2009), are all the first children in each of our generations! (So far, Salma is the first and only baby in the 5th generation!)

5 Generations [left to right: Salma, Noor (me), Ghada, Flovar, Fawzeyya]

I managed to get a wonderful group photo that includes the five generations (above)... I had been wanting to do this for quite some time... such an achievement!!


  1. I'm glad you waited. Since Salma's gorgeous now :D
    Seeeee?? good things come to those who wait!!
    If you had taken it when she was first born, it wouldn't have looked as good .. let's face it .. she wasn't the best-looking newborn lol :P

  2. Lool!! Su3ad you naughty!!
    But I do agree man, this picture is pretty intense!! Nicely done!!

  3. True Su - patience!! But hey she was a gorgeous little one ya dobbeh!

    Farah merci!! I'll be framing those soon =)

  4. sweet.Allah ykhallekom la ba3d ya rab
    welcome back ya im salma and el7amdella 3l salameh :)

  5. thanks... Allah ysalmek ya Habboush!! we gotta catch up =)

  6. WOW!!! How blessed you are to have all those Women in your life! What a great memory/picture to cherish!

  7. Thanks BJ_Mama!! Do become a follower =)

  8. Suad how dare you!! my little Um Ahmed was the best looking newborn ever, i will tell her bas tekbar u said that


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