Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Go Beyond the Hour

Over one billion people turned out for Earth Hour 2010 (the biggest Earth Hour ever). It involved 128 countries on seven continents celebrating a worldwide commitment to help save the planet.

On March 26th, 2011 at 8:30pm (local time), Earth Hour will cascade around the globe, again - from time zone to time zone - uniting the planet under a single, simple, call to action: GO BEYOND EARTH HOUR.

Watch the below video to learn more about Earth Hour and sign up. Help save our planet. Start by turning off your lights for the hour.

But after the lights are back, go beyond the hour. Make a difference. Together our actions add up.

For more information, visit
For UAE Residents, visit


  1. impressive..lets hope pple listen and act this time around..

  2. it is! and let's hope they go beyond the hour and turn it into a lifestyle!

  3. I recycle even though my kitchen is the size of a recycling bin and I can't put one in there because theres no space so the recycles sit on the kitchen floor ruining my nice apartment until I have to carry them five flights of stairs... =p

  4. Love to see how we are all contributing to a better environment! and recycling is definitely one of the most important aspects together with energy and water efficiency.
    For more information you can also visit
    Its Facebook page is also very active:

    Go Green!


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